2025 Parent Involvement Survey:
The parent survey is for parents of students receiving special education services. Your responses will help guide efforts to improve services and results for your children and families.
Click here to take the 2025 Parent Survey
Statewide Parent Involvement Reports:
2024 Parent Involvement Report (PDF) – results from the survey for parents of students receiving special education services in the 2022-2023 school year.
2023 Parent Involvement Report (PDF)
What is the YOYO? (PDF) – a quick look at the what, who, when, and why of the Youth One Year Out (YOYO) former student interview
Human Development Institute (HDI) – HDI’s mission is to advance efforts that build inclusive communities, address inequities, and improve the lives of all people who experience disability across the lifespan. We achieve our mission through leadership and community partnerships across Kentucky and the Nation.
KY-SPIN – The Kentucky Special Parent Involvement Network (KY-SPIN) is a statewide non-profit organization linking families and individuals with disabilities to valuable resources that enable them to live productive, fulfilling lives. Check out the KY-SPIN YouTube Channel for helpful videos on topics such as navigating IEP meetings and advocating for your child.
Measuring Transition Success (PDF) – a brief for parents prepared by PACER Center in collaboration with the National Post-School Outcomes Center focusing on youth and family participation in data collection efforts
NTACT Effective Predictors Matrix (PDF) – the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition shares predictors of post-school success
Transition Consultants in Kentucky (PDF) – a comprehensive list of transition consultants for each district in Kentucky
Healthcare (YouTube) – a 6-minute video showing ways in which young adults with disabilities can be more involved in their healthcare
Legal and Financial Planning (YouTube) – an 11-minute video discussing how to plan for changes as a child with a disability becomes a legal adult
Where to Live (YouTube) – a 9-minute video discussing various adult residential programming available to people with disabilities
Individualized Education Program (YouTube) – this 6-minute video by KY-SPIN discusses the Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Pre-Employment Transition Services (YouTube) – this 5-minute video explains Pre-Employment Transition Services available through the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Transitioning from High School (YouTube) – this 3-minute video discusses options after high school and what your child’s school is supposed to do to help with transition. The video was created in Texas, but the same information is true in Kentucky. For Kentucky-specific information, you may contact us at information@kypso.org
Transition Guides:
Kentucky Parent Guide for Special Education (PDF) – a special education guide for parents developed by the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute
Life After H.S. (PDF) – a collection of stories about eight young adults in Kentucky and their journeys
Journey to Adulthood (PDF) – a transition travel guide
Mapping Your Future – Guide to Life After High School – an interactive guide to help your child prepare for higher education
Supported Decision-Making & Self-Advocacy:
My Choice Kentucky – can help you find information on Supported Decision-Making and connect you with people and organizations that may be able to help you and answer your questions. Supported Decision-Making Resource Guide
Self-Advocacy Online – an educational networking tool that includes multi-media lessons on living self-determined, healthy, contributing lives
Kentucky Protection & Advocacy (P&A) – resources about transitioning to adulthood such as self-advocacy, disability disclosure, going to work and keeping benefits, and going to college or vocational school. Check out the Kentucky P&A document on The Benefits of Working While on Social Security which explains how working and benefits go together.
Pacer Center (Champions for Children with Disabilities) – information to help your child develop self-advocacy skills and gain a better understanding of how to increase success in the classroom, at home, and in the community
Information from TASH – a non-profit corporation and international leader in disability advocacy
KnowHow2Go KY – information on how to get ready and motivated for college
Kentucky Students’ Right to Know – this resource links college majors to the most in-demand jobs in the state along with typical education requirements, wages, and institutions offering these majors
ThinkCollege – a national technical assistance, research, and evaluation center dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving higher education options for students with intellectual disability
Access to Postsecondary Education (PDF) – an excellent resource for parents of students considering going to college
Kentucky Supported Higher Education Partnership (KSHEP) – a network of Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) across the state offering inclusive higher education programs for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, such as Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTP) programs. This 6-minute CTP video discusses what a CTP is and outlines key points for students.
Employment Checklists – helpful information for families, caregivers, and children and youth with disabilities
Community Work Transition Program (CWTP) – provides individualized vocational rehabilitation services to students with significant disabilities
Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) – helps people with disabilities prepare for, enter, engage in or advance in competitive employment
The Truth About Working While Receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in 2025 (PDF) – an infographic highlighting how working and receiving SSI can go together
Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Programs (PDF) – an infographic highlighting how WIPA programs can help people with disabilities understand how working can impact their Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits